New t-shirts are in stock!
Shira made the design inspired by the documentary “Het Gat” from 1989 about the “hole” in the Voorstraat, next to the ACU building.
Stickers and postcards are included with every order.

Help us/yourself there.

Art Expo Opening – Samuel Prater-Bellver

The exploration of queernes in another world. Step inside to see a new exploration of identity through artistic means!

Saturday, May 25th

  • Door:15:00
  • Start:15:30
  • Free entry

Welcome to the garden.

In between the blades of grass you will find a mirror, or perhaps a portal. Step through with open
eyes and allow your gaze to be reflected back at you. In this garden, animal forms roam and
make their home. They hunt each other, eat each other, and care for each other. Their bodies
defy taxonomy and their behaviors defy hierarchy. With disarticulated hands they form the
artifacts through which we understand them.

They are created not through systemic production, but rather spring forth as static snapshots of
magical expulsions. Bodies and words twitch off the tapestry, the page. Movement and entropy
hold hands and weave between the trees, the flags.

Which forms are familiar? Which are alien? Do you see me? Do you see yourself? You are a
guest in this queer magic world.

Take care not to trample the flowers.

Opening hours

  • Mon Closed
  • Tue 20:00 – 00:00
  • Wed 19:00 – 23:00
  • Thu Check agenda
  • Fri 20:00 – 03:00
  • Sat 20:00 – 03:00
  • Sun 18:00 – 23:00

    Hit the ATM in time, because we prefer cash payments.

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