Food in ACU
ACU is not only the place to dance or have a beer, we’re so much more than that!
Also for the hungry, we offer different kinds of delicious events to satisfy your stomach while keeping your wallet happy.
Or our anti-food waste dinners on Saturday and Sunday, for just a small donation you can enjoy a nice meal while saving the world one bite at a time. Prepared by Taste Before You Waste and The Barricade.

The Barricade’s vegan VoKu
Rebelling against this lame ass capitalist system all day long is hard, and it takes a lot of energy.
So replenish yourself before heading back to the barricades! Come to the Barricade’s vegan VoKu on Sundays.
With the same mindset as their colleagues from TBYW, the Barricade rescues food and gives it to the hungry masses.
Join the rebellion, and grab a bite!
Read more about The Barricade’s projects on their Telegram channel...
Taste Before You Waste
On Saturdays, the eager crew from “TBYW” takes over the kitchen. Why? Because it’s such a shame, so much good food gets tossed in the bin, unbelievable!
These lovely people save the food that’s still good from the bin, and make a nice dinner for you to enjoy in our café.
And they do this with so much love, they don’t actually charge you for it, they only ask for a generous donation.
When are you gonna try it out for yourself?
Read more about TBYW on their website...Opening hours
Hit the ATM in time, because we prefer cash payments.
Our delicious events
Saturday March 29th
Taste Before You Waste
Dinner at ACU!
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Sunday March 30th
The Barricade
Inspired by raccoons and anarchism
- Door:18:00
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Saturday April 5th
Taste Before You Waste
Dinner at ACU!
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Sunday April 6th
The Barricade
Inspired by raccoons and anarchism
- Door:18:00
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Saturday April 12th
Taste Before You Waste
Dinner at ACU!
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Sunday April 13th
The Barricade
Inspired by raccoons and anarchism
- Door:18:00
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Saturday April 19th
Taste Before You Waste
Dinner at ACU!
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Sunday April 20th
The Barricade
Inspired by raccoons and anarchism
- Door:18:00
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Thursday April 24th
Voku by Tinnitus Patches
Fundraiser for Stop Cop City
- Start:18:00
- Donation based
Saturday April 26th
Taste Before You Waste
Dinner at ACU!
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Sunday April 27th
The Barricade
Inspired by raccoons and anarchism
- Door:18:00
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Saturday May 3rd
Taste Before You Waste
Dinner at ACU!
- Start:19:00
- Donation based
Sunday May 4th
The Barricade
Inspired by raccoons and anarchism
- Door:18:00
- Start:19:00
- Donation based