New t-shirts are in stock!
Shira made the design inspired by the documentary “Het Gat” from 1989 about the “hole” in the Voorstraat, next to the ACU building.
Stickers and postcards are included with every order.

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Indigenous Film Festival Utrecht

Pasthéi! x Voices Echoed

Saturday, June 15th

  • Start:12:00
  • Free entry

Join us on 15 & 16 June for the first edition of the Indigenous Film Festival Utrecht! There will be short films by indigenous filmmakers from Mexico and documentaries depicting indigenous communities’ resistance against neocolonialism. A unique opportunity to see the world and our common struggles from a range of radical, non-Western perspectives. 

Free entry, but seats are limited so come early!

Poster by Temok Xiwetzka


Saturday 15 June
12:00 Opening
12:30 Talk: Language Diversity in Mexico
13:30 6 Short films: Kim Nche Ndutsa, Tlaltik, Alma Y Esperanza, La Espera, 68 Voces
16:00 Documentary: Don De Ser

Sunday 16 June
12:00 Talk: Indigenous Resistance
12:30 Documentary: The Energy of the Communities
15:00 Documentary: The Train and the Peninsula

This event is organised by Pasthéi! in collaboration with Voices Echoed. For more info and updates follow the Indigenous Film Festival Utrecht on Instagram.

Opening hours

  • Mon Closed
  • Tue 20:00 – 00:00
  • Wed 19:00 – 23:00
  • Thu Check agenda
  • Fri 20:00 – 03:00
  • Sat 20:00 – 03:00
  • Sun 18:00 – 23:00

    Hit the ATM in time, because we prefer cash payments.

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